Friday, August 13, 2010

Girls entering puberty at much younger age  |

Girls entering puberty at much younger age  |

Do you think that pumping our food supply with hormones has a connection here? I certainly do! Is this whole push to get our food to grow faster having a nasty effect on children? I am really concerned and I cannot be the only one who sees the connection...


1 comment:

  1. I definitely think that pumping horomones into our food has had an adverse affect on when our children are starting puberty. I'm sure that there are other issues to be addresses as well, such as the fat contents of foods that young children are eating as well, however, it seems to me that a perfectly healthy 8 year old who is not over weight should not be starting menstruation. I babysat two girls who both started under 10. One of them at 16 had an ovarian cyst that popped and had to go in and have one ovary removed. They were not the only young kids to start as early as they did. I honestly think it was the horomones from the milk, chicken, and other produce that started making their bodies develop faster. Think about makes the chickens grow and develop faster, seems to me it just MIGHT have the same effect on us homo-sapiens.
