Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mmm Cheesy Grits

So I really don't have an exact recipe for this. I am learning how to make grits and honestly, it is a new thing. Anyway - I made cheesy grits with organic cheese and sea salt with a little pat of Irish Butter. It was tasty. Though my family just can't get over the texture. It is the Gluten-Free worlds answer to Ramen. I can see college kids just pounding this stuff because it is really cheap, easy and fast to make.

2 cups of salted water - bring it to a boil
1/2 cup of instant grits
1 pat of butter (I use Irish butter)
1/2 cup cheese (goat, rice, soy - something that melts is ideal)

Boil the salted water, add the grits and stir. Cover and let heat for like 5 - 6 minutes. Add the cheese at about 4 minutes (and butter)

If your fancy strikes you - add a little but of Franks Hot Sauce. Fun, fast, cheap and tasty. It can also serve as a poor man's polenta in a pinch!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Excited - with a catch

It's really exciting that so many companies are coming out with gluten-free stuff as well as organic stuff. People yelled loud enough and voila! There you go. I just had a nibble of the French Meadow Bakery - yellow cake and it was at Safeway (of all places).

However - and I want to stress how thrilled I am at the options - I am annoyed that people are using the Gluten-Free way of eating as a "diet plan". It is probably one of the most bothersome parts of the entire process. I'm afraid that like all "diet plans" that this one will crash and the options will go away. I cannot be the only one who thinks this. I really hope that it is a trend that will stay because people with allergies and celiac disease need this "plan"