Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mmm Cheesy Grits

So I really don't have an exact recipe for this. I am learning how to make grits and honestly, it is a new thing. Anyway - I made cheesy grits with organic cheese and sea salt with a little pat of Irish Butter. It was tasty. Though my family just can't get over the texture. It is the Gluten-Free worlds answer to Ramen. I can see college kids just pounding this stuff because it is really cheap, easy and fast to make.

2 cups of salted water - bring it to a boil
1/2 cup of instant grits
1 pat of butter (I use Irish butter)
1/2 cup cheese (goat, rice, soy - something that melts is ideal)

Boil the salted water, add the grits and stir. Cover and let heat for like 5 - 6 minutes. Add the cheese at about 4 minutes (and butter)

If your fancy strikes you - add a little but of Franks Hot Sauce. Fun, fast, cheap and tasty. It can also serve as a poor man's polenta in a pinch!


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