Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Long day's journey into food AND a recipe for Poutine

We got Patrick's allergy tests back and I was really surprised. He has a similar allergy panel to Carmen. Carmen never had a traditional blood allergy screening because she would not tolerate the needles, now she might but that is another story...

Anyway- Patrick's areas of highest sensitivity come from Wheat, Gluten, Egg whites (yes just the whites - no clue why though)Yeast, Soy and the highest of them all is peanuts. The lower but still "there" allergies include dairy - cow dairy, tomatoes and garlic...a pizza lovers nightmare I think.

Poor kid. He is not adjusting well. The Naturopath said that his reactions would get worse before they get better so we have to clean out his system of the stuff that makes him react. It is a struggle - especially on his mental health and the health of all of us. I get exhausted just thinking about it.

Goat Milk is everywhere and I am happy to see that. It is tasty and he likes it. He hasn't liked much of the "new food" or now "Patrick safe" food. We have tried many "Chevre" products and it is pretty good stuff. I SO want to buy a goat or two now. Goats will eat ANYTHING though and their milk tastes like what they eat so I wonder what Meyenberg Farms feed their goats? Another shameless plug - Meyenberg Farms is a blessing.

I have come to learn how to adjust some recipes but the hardest is that soy! It's AMAZING that it is in everything. It's a wonder that anyone with a soy allergy can function. It's even in the organic stuff!

I have a recipe for Poutine - a REALLY fun dish that is from Quebec

Organic French Fries (pomme frites)
Organic Beef Gravy (sauce de boeuf)
Organic Goat Cheese (fromage chevre)

Pomme frites -

Slice potatoes and pat dry
Fry in a deep frier at 320
take them out and salt them immediately

sauce de boeuf -
10 ounces organic beef broth
2 TBS of butter
1 TBS potato starch OR 2 TBS Rice Flour
Seasoning - how you like it I like the Kirkland No Salt Seasoning, but you can use Seasoned Salt or McCormick's Grill Seasoning - whatever floats your boat

Some people like to start with a roux of rice flour and butter, then add the broth but either way is fine.

method -
in a small bowl mix the potato starch with 2 oz of room temp broth put the rest of the broth in a saucepan and boil. Add the potato starch mixture and stir it in to the sauce. It will thicken. Be warned though unless you are used to cooking with potato starch watch it very, very carefully because potato starch will lose it's thickness if you cook it too long.

If you start with a roux melt the butter in the saucepan then add the flour and cook it until it gets all gloppy. Then add the broth slowly and stir it in. Add all your seasoning. It will thicken.

Cheese - NOT FETA!

Cube up the cheese and get ready to CRUMBLE

Plate the warm fries first, then the gravy then the cheese on top. Serve with spinach salad

Spinach salad can be wilted - I LOVE a good wilted spinach salad with bacon and bacon renderings! NOM NOM! And it is safe for my kids to eat!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Patrick! I hope that once he is all 'clean' he will start to feel more like himself.
